Monday, November 5, 2007

The Wrap

I am not sure where to begin. I am back from New York. It is Monday night as I post this. I will go back through friday and the race.

Friday was a cool nice day in New York. The weather forecast for Saturday was cool low 40s with high winds. I was not worried about this. The park would be somewhat protected. I ran an easy 20 minutes followed by some easy stretching. My main focus today was rest. All qualifiers had a mandatory tech meeting at noon just of the park. I met the adidas rep at his hotel and then took a cab over to the meeting/luncheon. I was expecting to have some missing guys. Why would the top guys show up? Everyone was there. It was a long meeting. Flocast has a little video about the meeting. After the meeting we had a few hours to ourselves and then we had to be in the lobby of the host hotel to deliver our bottles for the next morning. So in the end I got a little rest. Not much though. I ate a decent meal and hit the sheets early. I had to be at the host hotel for the bus ride to the start no later than 5:20 the next morning.

Saturday. I woke at 3. I think my body was so used to 6+ hours a sleep that it said you have reached your limit now wake up. I did the normal things before a race and headed out to find a cab. When I got to the headquarters I noticed I was the only one there. I just hung out waiting for 5:20. I entered the first bus. It seemed pretty tense. A few fellows chatting but not too many. Hall entered the bus looking very confident. Sell and Ritz as well as Abdi looked very tense. I concentrated on relaxing and felt I was doing a good job. I tried to tell myself it was just another race. And in the end it really was. We warmed up right outside the today show studios. We changed next to the ice rink where they ice skate on the today show. I was pretty ready. The atmosphere wasn't really that electric. I felt sort of uninterested.

The race plan. I wanted to go out very easy and knew others would also. The course was tough and the wind was really blowing. Almost just like Chicago last year. Same temp and same wind. We lined up for the start and off we went. Most of us weren't ready. Like a New Prague start. We went through the mile in 5:36. Felt like 6:36 everyone was bunched up and tripping over each other. I just attempted to stay out of trouble. I was hoping to hit half in 1:10-1:12 and run about that or a little slower the second half. I ran with a few guys for a long ways. We tried to work together. As we came around the corner and proceeded down the hill to complete our first lap I saw a runner laying face down on the side of the road. Not moving. I immediately thought it was Peter Gilmore. There were rumors that he was sick. He didn't look good in the hotel the night before. Everyone was pulling for him to show up and run a good one. I noticed a few things as I ran by the person on the ground. First he wasn't moving. Second no one was helping him. Now by that I am saying there were several medical people around him but it looked like they were done with what they thought they needed to do. Much later I found out it was Ryan Shay and he had passed away running just after 5 1/2 miles. More on that later.
Our little group proceeded to run through half somewhere in the 1:11 range. I felt ok and was working both sides of the park. If you notice on some peoples splits there are definite differences in sides of the park. The west side or the side that the finish is on had a lot of really large hills both running up and running down. The east side had the wind at our backs and was a bit more forgiving. I was leading our pack through all of the hills and then on the parts where I thought we could make up some ground. We were closing on some guys but not enough. In the end I didn't really die. I just sort of faded. I felt ok but the wheels were slowly coming off. I had a very big stomach ache from a large buildup of urine that I couldn't expell. I passed a few people late but was well short of where I wanted to place.

I am relieved this is over. I am very happy to have made it. I have a few points to make here. I keep thinking about some things Joe Keillor told me a few years ago. Joe used to travel to US champs races around the country. He quit doing it for a number of reasons. He said he was tired of banging away and not making any waves nationally. Now mostly on talent he can dominate most races in this state if he can train half as much as us. My point here is this. I have done what I wanted to do. I ONLY wanted to qualify. So the last year was the icing on the cake. Some people around me have implied that I had a bad race. I don't agree. It really wasn't that bad of a race. A tough course with very few PRs. Given my goal I would have had to run around 2:23 to be satisfied by my place.

I haven't analyzed my training from this year yet and maybe I won't. I have the feeling I was about 2 weeks over peak.

I didn't do well with the New York size. I really hated it there.

To close this long rambling blog. I am not sure what the future holds for me in competitive running. I am leaning towards going out on top. This is where I would end. I will always run because I enjoy it so much. I just don't know what is left out there for me. Another run at the trials? Why? I have already been there. This is my final blog. Thanks for those who have read it. In the end I am still not sure it helped me.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Meb, Ritz, Nasdaq

Yesterday I made my way to the host hotel to catch a cab to close the stock exchange. As I entered the lobby of the marriot, I see Meb and his daughter. We both enter the elevator at the same time and we talked about trick or treating ect. He seemed very down to earth. Much like he is during his interviews. Little did I know that he had just finished listening to KK blast the new world record holder for not running in a more competitive race. The overall feeling on what KK said is interesting. A lot of people out here were shocked by the press conference and what the focus that KK put on the 2:04:26.

As I left the elevator I met up with the group of runners waiting in the lobby. No one I really recognized but a few fellows approached me becuase they had read the runners world article. The leader of the group said we were waiting for Dathan and then we could leave. Finally he came out of the elevator with his wife and new born daughter. He approached me right away and was very nice. Somewhat outgoing. So Dathan, Susan Lokken and I rode to times square in the same cab. We had a nice conversation about kids, sleep, diet, media engagements. I added when I could but I am so far down the line that I have no idea what he goes through on a daily basis. He was very nice exactly what I expected.

Jason Hartman and Clint from the hansons group met us down there. Basically we were guests of the CEO of the nasdaq. We met him and conversed with Mary Wittenberg the director of the new york road runners. The whole thing lasted a few hours. It was one of those things that I will never have the opportunity to experience so I am so glad to have done it. The van ride back to the host hotel with Ritz, Hartman, and Clint was interesting. Clint dominated the conversation talking about the hansons group and brooks shoes. I again sat and listened. Keeping my ear to the conversation. These guys are studs. I am just a guy from mn.

My run today didn't go well. I was hoping to start feeling better. It was 85 percent humidity and about 55-60. I felt very flat. The park is busy. Runners all over. They have the entire route fenced off. They have the bleachers up at the finish which we will pass several times. I am a bit discouraged by my legs today. It must have been the humidity. After all that is why I am here so putting focus back on the race is my key for the next two days. I have been eating well and drinking plenty of fluids. The weather is supposed to cool tonight. Maybe I will feel beter friday am.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The big apple

I arrived last night here in the big apple. After a very bad sleeping experience in a terrible 240 dollar a night room, I am ready for a nap. I ran about 6 easy in the park 4 blocks from our hotel. It is hilly. Similar to what I thought it would be. The park was busy with runners and bikers. It isn't as big as I thought it would be. So the laps should go by quickly. I am thinking of adjusting my pace and possilby going out easier in hopes of really coming on in the end. Now that I am here I am feeling more and more like this is my sort of course for this situation. I am not running for time so this will be a good all out fight for us b guys. Times will be slower than prs that is for sure. There is one noteable hill on what I think is the very north end of the park. But you get to also ride down it. May or may not go down to the stock exchange. I am looking for a good solid nap today which may be the only priority.

Legs are slowly coming around. Today I just wanted to check out the course so my effort wasn't really an issue. I will attempt to get some good fast strides at the park tomorrow to wake the legs. So off to a shower and nap. I have internet access in my room so I will post each of the next two days. Keep the emails coming...I am bored.

Monday, October 29, 2007

6 miles in the dark

Depletion is going well. I haven't been this strict ever. We will see. I snatched a quick bite of a poptart this morning. Carrie grabbed the plate out of my hand and threw it away.

I sit here at my computer with tears streaming down my checks. I often wonder why me? I have had an overwelming amount of support here at home. It reminds me of the time I qualified last oct 22. As I walked away from the finish area I felt this sort of hop in my stride. Yeah even after 26.2 at 5:20 something pace. This was for me I kept saying to myself. This is all mine. I didn't turn my cell phone on until I was well out of chicago. This was for me. WOW was I wrong. This was for everyone who knows me. For a guy in Canada who knows someone in mantorville. For someone in California who read the Runners world article. And countless others who I will never meet. So here I sit after reading so many emails this morning. Way overwelmed by emotion. Thanks to the fellas for being there. I will be cruising through central park wishing you could feel what I have felt and what I will feeling. Thank you.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Depletion again

30 this morning and perfect. I started off running low 6s today. The second part of the depletion. My body is very hungry for any sort of carbs. No sugar yet. I had a small bite of ice cream and a small drink of gatorade. I haven't been this strict as far as depletions go. I have one day left. Mood was down and a bit unsettled coming off the run today. I felt terrible and didn't really push anything. I finished with 9 miles and most of it being at a relaxed pace. 79 miles for the week. Feels like I didn't even run. This is the first week in a long time I have been that low. I am feeling good about the race. The weather looks to be pretty good. upper 40s. I would like it a bit cooler but that will do. I will post one more prior to leaving for New York. I fly out at 1:40 on Tuesday. I hope to post daily when I am out there.

Depletion run

Today I did the first part of my depletion. It went very well. I was hoping for 16-18 miles at a pace not much faster than 6 minutes. I was out the door in flats and through the first mile in under 5:40. I had the kids all day and needed a serious break. To say the least I was ready to roll. I wore a gps that my wife bought me a few years ago. Needless to say the next few miles were very relaxed. I thought a few times that I should take it easy and run relaxed and get things back closer to 6 min pace. However I was feeling good so I just went with it. My thought was hey if I can't recover from this by saturday then I don't belong in the race. I covered 10 miles on a very hilly up and down route in 56:30 on the button. I then slowed a bit and ran in at 6:15 pace. A very good effort considering the wind and the hills. My legs are really starting to come around. Now they will have no or little fuel for the next few runs.

What I ate post run

I had a roast with some carrots in the croc.
It was not taken out soon enough. Things really got dry. I finished most of the carrots and dumped the roast. I also had some pumpkin seeds and a bowl of clam chowder. My wife and kids proceeded to go to cold stone and get ice cream to make things even worse.

My mood will slowly decline over the next few days. The next time I can have any sort of carb is post run tuesday right before I leave. Tomorrow I may just run 30 minutes as I feel and see how things go. I was planning on running marathon pace for 6 miles but I think things went well enough today to use this as a true depletion and just see how I feel sunday am.

I am increasingly feeling better and more optimistic about the race. I feel a 2:20 effort is in store if I manage to keep a focus and ease into things later in the race.

I can't wait to get to New York and get this stuff going. 6 days out.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Mantorville saloon-Byron Cross Country-Running

Wednesday I stopped in to speak with my boss at the saloon before the final journey to work. She handed me a wad of cash and said she was proud. Turned out to be a very nice chunk of change that will really help out east. It is amazing the support I am getting around here. Funny thing is I really haven't heard anything from another manager. Pretty frustrating. I don't understand what this man is about. Anyway to move on from there.

I ran easy thursday afternoon at the golf course where they were hosting the section 1 class a meet. Byron finally qualified for state. They looked good early but around the two mile mark looked dead in the water. They really faded the last mile but had enough in there tanks to hold off Lake city and PEM. What a great accomplishment.

As I said Thursday was a very easy 7-8 miles with some hills mixed in. Today I ran 10 with some medium hard strides. Tomorrow starts the depletion. I am not really sure how this came about but the general idea came from my dad. I have tweaked it a few times but here it is.

7 days out which is tomorrow. I will do a 16-18 mile run at between race pace and 6:30. I am thinking 6 ish. Most of the run will be done at this pace. Post run I will consume nothing but protein. So I start to mentally prepare to do this mid week as I know what is coming. The first few times I did this I really struggled. All or almost all protein will last through tuesday ams run. Sunday will be 6 miles at 5:20. Again the idea here is to flush my body of carbs. Flushing carbs out will hopefully prepare my body to eventually stock pile carbs post run tuesday-sat.

In the past this has been very tough mentally because I feel crumby by the end of the day on the second day and I still have a day plus left. I try to keep the foods non fat or low fat. I usually go for jerky, peanuts, cottage cheese, fish, ect. The worst part is feeling slow and without energy for the week before my race.
It is all about trust here and knowing things will come around 7:35 Nov 3. If you do it correctly it can really work. If not your mind leaves by the second day and you forget the entire depletion/load phases all together. Questions???

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Not much going on

Yesterday I ran very easy. 10 miles on grass with a few gradual hills. I contemplated my future in running. I have been thinking about this for a long time. The thoughts drift from the hunger to keep at it to the feeling of not. I am 100 undecided on my future in competitive running.

Today was cool and windy. I had a 3-2-1 mile workout planned and with some hills. I used a nice long warm up to feel pretty good and ready. The first 3 miles felt easy and I realy attempted to relax through them. 16:31. After a short jog I started back for the next 2 miles past the Section 1 A cc course which will be tomorrow. 10:58. Just attempting to stay very relaxed. Final mile was 5:20 up a long gradual incline. Total 17 miles. A longer day. Tomorrow will be shorter 6-8 miles followed by a depletion run which I will do my best to explain.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Monday = Massage = pain

I ran with the pod. Yeah that is short for Ipod. Pretty cool. I think I will be a great rec runner when the time comes. Lots of walking and a some short bursts in there. Anyway the past few weeks I have been getting a massage. The first one was pretty bad. I stumbled out of the office wondering how the following runs would go. Today was my third one, it lasted one hour. I again stumbled out of there like a complete zombie. Normally they are so painful that I hold my breath through all the knots in my legs and lower back. Today things were much better.

If interested check out runners and watch Josh Cox suffer in the ice bath. By the way we have the exact same entry time for the marathon.

Tapering is always very difficult mentally for me. I got about 9 in today very easy running on the IBM grass. The same for tomorrow. I may or may not post but for sure Wednesday. Thanks to all for the encouragement. It really helps ease my mind to have someone see what I am doing and tell me I am fit and ready to roll.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Sunday wrap

Last night I decided to change my workout for this morning. I went from 3 x 2 mile to 10 miles at mp pace. This decision was a very easy one. I was looking for some feedback on where I really am fitness wise. What level, what pace and generally where am I? I warmed up easy 25 minutes a few strides and I was off. The course is one that I have done in the past very up and down with a lot of little turns. Not fast at all. I felt good during the warm up so I was confident this would bring me back confidence wise. I cruised through the first few miles in 19/25/16. By now I was feeling good and very confident this would go well. The next two were 22 and 20. So at the turn I was 26:42. 2 seconds shy of goal pace. I was contemplating what to do now. Do I really hammer and see what I have in the tank or do I continue to run pace and finish strong and live another day knowing that I have some left. I decided with 13 days left I needed to cruise in and that is what I did. I finished with a 5:17 and a total of 26:39. So I was slow by 1 second for a total of 53:21. A real solid mind helper? Yes. I needed this. Two days of easy jogging followed by a easy marathon pace workout.

The taper. I will not change a whole lot on this taper. I have used basically the same approach in tapering than I have in all of my marathons. Drop the mileage a bit the week before the week. Or 2 weeks out. I hit 96 this week so that means mid to lower 80s this week. I will use the middle days as easy rest runs on grass if possible with the remaining days hard but very controlled efforts. Strides will also be more important and this is the time to sharpen and be ready to feel terrible and then great Nov 3.

Friday, October 19, 2007


The weather was rough today. I ran an easy 1 hour for nine miles. I am attempting to cut back a bit at the end of the week. Hopefully the legs will follow my lead and things will come around for Sundays last real workout. I have a few smaller less significant workouts scheduled for next week and the following week but basically I am tapering down. I am also attempting to heal my mind as things have really gone south. The ball started rolling south on Monday and really hit rock bottom after wednesdays workout. I have lost a little focus which I am not sure is really that bad. I have in a way forgot about the race the biggest race of my life and instead focused on how pissed I am that I think I am not in good shape. This back and forth between one side of my brain and the other side fighting over how fit I really am. This has been draining. So sunday will be my final tune up workout. I am hoping to do 3 x 2 mile sub 10 with 3-4 min rest. I am also hoping this will put a bandaid on things and I can get on the plane ready to race and not worry for the next 2 weeks about how I am not fit and I suck. Wow now that is an uplifting post.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Test 2 C-

Today was my final long Marathon pace workout. I came in hoping to be fresh and ready to rock. I felt pretty good doing 10 miles on saturday at just over marathon pace. Which was encouraging. Today was humid and a bit warm. 60 and 82 percent humidity. I started off with a 5.5 mile easy run to make sure I was ready to roll. I had planned this big time with a water bottle at 4.5 and a dry shirt at the end of the trail so I wouldn't freeze waiting for Carrie to pick me up.

Mile 1 5:16 felt easy downhill. 2-3 were hilly 11:01 not bad but not great. Mind was still fresh and legs felt ok. I was breathing very heavily though. 4-7 were a tad slow 5:20-5:32 and my legs were still feeling fine. The last 4+ didn't go well. I am such a weather runner that if it is even close to being humid I am done. I finished with a few easy miles waiting for my ride home. I am doing the little things to get there. Ice, hydrate, stretch ect. This was a huge let down all the way around. Bottom line. The weather will dictate if I run my best. I am fit. Very fit but days like monday and today are rough for the confidence. I am about a 4-5. Last wednesday I was a 9. I am going to rest up a bit now. 15 days left. Sunday will be 3 x 2 miles fast and then I am shutting things down a bit mileage wise. I hope to stay in the upper 90s and then drop next week to the low to mid 80s. I will post Saturday and for sure sunday. Keep the head up.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I am already worried about the weather for New York. I know I know nothing I can do about it. I have been watching the weather for the past week out there compared to here and it is very warm. Lows in the upper 50s with highs in the middle 70s. That is too hot for me. I know still about 2 1/2 weeks to go so things can go cooler. I will freak out about it until the week of the race and then realize finally that it will actually be cooler or the real truth that I can't really do anything about it.

I got out for an easy 12 with my Ipod today. I am getting used to it and its many functions. It really is nice to cruise along with it. I will not make this a habit. I really don't want to change things now before the race. I felt pretty easy and contemplated running a bit harder. I changed my mind as thoughts of Thursdays final test loom.

Thursday I have 12.5 miles at marathon pace. Total workout will be close to 22 miles. Looking forward to seeing how that goes. I am still pretty down about the workout yesterday. I need to keep things in perspective and move on. I have a few more workouts and then I will drop the miles but keep the intensity up. I am going into this race a bit different becuase it is all place, time will not really matter. I hope to place well and have a number in mind but will keep that to myself until later.

Monday, October 15, 2007

3 weeks out. Test failed

Today was a faster workout. Basically a test to see where my speed is. Test failed. F. I got out early am and felt ok during the warmup. 30+ minutes several decent strides and away I went. I have done all three sub 4:40 before. Today was not to be. 4:52. I felt somehow tight. Like I could go much faster but just couldn't. ??? Does that make sense. After 5 minutes of jogging I decided to attempt Number 2. 4:54. The hard way. Just no snap in the legs. I decided to call off the last one and make it a little longer day. I am definitely feeling down about it. Leading up to the race I was hoping for three fast ones. I know I am very fit but need to keep the positive momentum going. Thursday is a big one. Actually the biggest of this buildup. I may not post until after that. We will see how I am mentally.

Sunday, October 14, 2007


I attempted to send this and ended up losing it. That hurts I was almost finished. Well here goes. Running went well Friday through today. I had 14 split up into two runs friday. I ran 4 on the mill in the afternoon between attempting to have two kids nap and all the other dad things. Things went ok.

Saturday was workout time. I did 10 at 5:40s with a few faster. Sort of middle tempo. Not too slow and not mp pace. Felt easy but I was still working. I ran around 57 minutes and then finished at just over 1 hour. So a total of 10.5 or so. Felt good and the weather was great.

Sunday was 13 easy to close out a very good week of 104 with wednesdays workout things are coming around. I am ready to go. This week will be up over 100 and then I will taper 9-10 days out. Feeling confident with my race plans and things are falling into place. All the talk is very distracting though. Something I don't do well with is " hey you are the guy in runners world" I heard that twice at my b job on friday. I really just want to go in the back and hide. Anyway things are going well. I will post tomorrow post 3 x mile all out and another beat up session after my massage.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Rest day

I was up early after 5 hours of sleep for a 10 miler. My wife has school in the cities today. I felt very sluggish and about like I thought I would feel. I am going to get in another 6 this pm when she returns.

To top things off after yesterdays workout, I got a box of gear from adidas. Everything you can think of. Jackets, pants, shorts, shirts, a hat. Added up to a nice chunk of change. Looking forward to using some of it soon. Thanks adidas.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

3 steps forward

Weather today was great. Cool and windy. I had 3 x 4 mile hill loop to tackle today. A staple workout that I really needed to smack. It went very well. I ran an easy 3 to 3 1/2 mile warmup and a few strides. Legs were feeling great. After the first mile I wasn't sure what I could really do. 5:5 ish. Now this is a very tough one into the wind and straight up a big hill. Next mile was just under 5:10 and I felt very relaxed. Third mile was close to 5:20 and I closed in 21:25. Almost 20 seconds faster than last time. Round 2 was even better as I closed in 21:17 and finally I ran 21:11 for the last 4 mile loop. All 1 mile sections have either a long gradual hill or two or a series of smaller hills except for the first one which has a long steep hill at the very end.

This is really what I needed. Legs felt great and I haven't run that well and that strong for a while. I am getting into form at the right time.

Next up are a few rest days and then some 400s on saturday. Next week is a big one and then the hay is in the barn.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Yesterday I got the first in a series of massages up until the race Nov 3. It really hurt. I went to a woman that a buddy had gone to a few times. Lets just say it was a long 45 minutes. I think after a few of these I will be feeling really good. She worked legs only and my calves were very sore and tight afterwards. She said what I allready know. "you need to stretch a lot more". The little things are what I am going to work on for the next few weeks. More sleep more stretching and focusing on workouts.

Today was 12 easy. I felt pretty good and ready to roll for tomorrows workout. 3 x 4 mile hill route with 3 min rest. I hope to start out fast and get faster each one. This is another of my final big workouts that I will need to run well. The weather looks good and things are starting to really cool down. Hopefully that means a 35 degree day in the big apple come 7:30 Nov 3.

Monday, October 8, 2007

77 posts

Today is number 78. Posts that is. I am not really sure if this is helping me. Training today went well. I had no soreness from yesterday. That was something short of a workout and in some aspects a wasted running day. Today I did 13 miles easy but really hilly miles. The week sets up so that I can get in a really quality workout wed and then back off thurs and friday to set up for some 400s on sat and easy sun run. I am hoping to get a massage this afternoon. I have developed some sort of foot toe issue that I really don't know about. It affects my stride and the whole opposite leg at times and gets worse after about an hour of running. I am going to drop the New Balance shoes and stick to the adidas for now through the trials.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

TCM Metcalf

Not sure when I last checked in here. I really didn't look. The three marathons are over. St. George, Chicago and Twin Cities. More qualifiers came from St. George than the other two combined. That is a bit suprising. I was really hoping to get some more local fellas in. Didn't happen today. It seems the major marathons would want to change the dates for their marathons becuase this is getting to be brutal. Whether it is Boston or any of the other major marathons.

The plan for me today was helping Josh Metcalf through 13-15 at marathon qualifing pace 5:20. That was the plan until sat and we realized it wasn't going to be our day. We pulled back the reins and things felt relatively easy through the first few miles (as they should). I have run in the heat and humidity several times before. Not once has it gone well. I was hoping to help Josh through 13 but I realized early that wasn't going to be the case. We got to ten miles with a pack of two masters and our teammate Brad Wick in 55:something. Basically that was it for me. I am not sure what would have happened but I wasn't into it today. The heat was one thing but I couldn't get ready mentally and things weren't lining up to run well. I am pretty disappointed with that. I am looking forward to the next two and a half weeks to really jack up the training and get things going. I will focus on two workouts per week and make sure that I am rested and ready to roll for them. Looks like the weather will cooperate for the most point enough to get some quality stuff done.

Josh Metcalf. I have watched his last 3 marathons from the finish. Every time he comes past us I shake my head. Today I was shocked at how well he finished. I saw him come down the hill close to 26 miles and thought for sure he was close to 2:25 or so. Not to be today. He was on but it wasn't anyones day. He ran well. Makes me wonder how well he could have run with decent weather. 2:22 or under? Make you wonder. So that is it. 5 from Mn going to the trials. I am hoping the weather cools and things can slow down around our house so I can get focused and ready to roll. NOV 3 is right around the corner.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Thursday easy

Today I ran very easy. The weather was ok and with the quickly approaching TCM this weekend I will cut intensity and keep mileage the same. The weather for the race is looking a bit rough. I am very interested to see how things go on the mens side this year. The ten mile should be very exciting. A deep field. The best I have seen in any race here in Mn ever.

14 miles for the day and looking to have fresh legs this weekend. Hope to post something after the race this weekend.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

2 days without a blog

I have been very busy the past few days. Here is a quick update. Tueday was a double with the weather not really cooperating. 5 easy am run felt ok after the workout monday. 10 on the mill at 5 pm. Felt ok. I was very bored and attempted to pull myself away several times. Even the TV couldn't bring me back to focus. Or should I say not focus on the clock.

Today I did about 8 miles and then worked some hills around our house. Basically running as I felt but pushing the ups and resting on the downs. I felt strong but not really fresh. I am hoping come sunday to get that feeling back again. I plan on taking the next few days really easy. I am also getting a massage on Friday to work on this sore or should I say weak hammy.

Weather for the weekend. It looks terrible. I mean upper 60s to low 70s at the start? Could be rough. And they are saying humid. I will stick to my plan and run through 13 at 5:20 but that might be it. I am looking for a way to not have to run the rest of the mileage on the course to the 20 mile marker. We will see. Earlier this week they were saying 37 for a low with mid 50s for a high, perfect.

Monday, October 1, 2007

baby steps

A little catch up. Saturday am run was 22 miles with a 3.5 mile loop of hills. I did that loop 3 times. It was cool, rainy, and windy. Just the conditions I seem to enjoy as this was one of my best runs. I felt strong the entire way and recovered nicely.

Sunday was 12 easy miles. I felt ok. Nothing special.

Today I did 3 x 2 miles with 3-4 min rest in between. It is humid but cool so things were wet on the trail. I began with the usual strides and pick ups and some brief stretches. I was hoping for all three under 10. I also decided to go up the trail and then turn and come right back becuase I wanted to get a water stop in after each interval. Number 1 went well. Out in 5:05 and back in 4:58 for 10:03. Not bad considering I am loosing some time with a completed stop and turn around and start. After a drink and s jog about 3:30 I started number 2. Up the trail in 03 and back in 4:57. Not bad. I was feeling beter on this one. Number 3. Out in 5:05 and back in 4:54 for a 9:59. So I am getting there. Really slowly.

It doesn't seem that I am recovering fully between workouts. As I told my friend Rich from Portland. I guess that is ok. I just need to put it together on race day. I am going to adjust for more recovery. Maybe two days instead of one from now until the race.

This weekend is the twin cities marathon. I am using this as a sort of race simulation for new york. I will be resting up almost the whole rest of the week. I have 10 x big hill on wednesday and some strides friday but my legs should really come around for the race sunday. I am hoping to cruise through 13-15 miles at 5:20 and feel like I could go through 22-24 miles at that pace.

New marathon record. 2:04:26 unbelievable.

Friday, September 28, 2007


Today I looked over the elevation chart for the trials course. Yes this is the first day it was released. So us "B" guys who won't get a chance to run the hills prior to the race are scrambling to learn every nook and hill, turn and downhill. Overall it is very challenging. I would assume the times will be slower. There really isn't a flat mile on the course. Not 1.

Today I ran 12 very easy. Felt ok. I have 22 tomorrow. I have a great course. Very hilly. I am going to run it easy and see how things go. This will be all for posts until monday. 3 x 2 miles and then that will be it for the most part for the week. TCM is coming quick.

Thursday, September 27, 2007


Today I had 8 x 1 mile with 3-2-1 at 510/5/450. The weather was decent. Not sure the temp but it was a bit windy out of the Northwest. I had a decent 4+ mile warm up and felt ready to roll. Mile 1 5:10 right on 3 minute rest. Mile 2 uphill into the wind 5:04. Not bad. Mile 3 downhill with the wind 4:54. Not bad. Mile 4 4:58. Here is where I started to get pissed. Mile 5 back uphill 5:12. This one needed to be 10. Mile 6 back uphill again. 12. Needed to be 00. Mile 7 downhill needed to be 50. 00. Mile 8 was to be 00. I ran 04. After I finished I was really pissed. 5 weeks left and the workouts aren't going great. Then I looked back in my log. Last spring I did this same workout and wrote in my log great workout. Here is how they stack up with rest and all.

Last spring
1 5:08
2 5:13
3 5:04
4 5:00
5 5:09
6 5:14
7 5:03
8 4:54

1 5:10
2 5:04
3 4:54
4 4:58
5 5:12
6 5:12
7 5:00
8 5:04

That is a total net of 5 seconds faster today than last spring. Rest was shorter this time as I was taking 2 and 3 min last spring on the second 4 miles instead of keeping it to the 3-2-1. On the flip side. I seemed to feel much better after only 1 min rest. I will have to keep that in mind. Total miles for the day 17+

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

easy 13 baby jogger

Nice day today. Of course no workout. Seems par for the course this summer. I ran 11 alone and another 2+ with Carrie and Rowan at a very easy shuffle. Felt ok. Not sure if I should take two easy days after longer workouts to ensure a full or close to full recovery. Last week was an exception to that as I was attempting to begin each workout with a little less in the legs.

Thursday is 8 x 1 mile at 5:10/5:00/4:50 with 3-2-1 rest. We will see should be interesting.

If someone is reading this. Please check out the website. They have a great video about oly trials fellas and a workoout they did last weekend. Check it out. Good to see the little guys getting some pub.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I woke to a 6am alarm today. Carrie and Elliot had dentist app. this am so I had to get this one in early. Seems like a few times a week we have things going on that interfere or wait that my running interferes with. I had a 10 mile tempo at 5:40 on the books today. I decided to do it at the new mayo healthy living center. Not having a tour of this great facility was the problem from the start. Once I got on the treadmill I clicked off a 55:50 something 10 miler. Everything felt ok. I am hoping the weather stays cool now so things will continue to go well. I wore my new flats again. They really felt good. I will wear them next week for the tcm. Other than that not much to say. The title today tells the story. I really don't feel right running on the treadmill. It seems it is so much easier than outside.

Monday, September 24, 2007

less than 6 weeks

This will be very short. I ended last week well with a double on sunday and 108 total miles. Not bad. Sunday was two runs of 50 min and 65 min. Everything was easy. Today I did 12 easy miles. I did do a few easy long hills. It was too humid to judge if I have recovered from last week. Looking forward to the week of training which really starts tuesday.

Friday, September 21, 2007

2 out of 3 ain't bad?

I will combine two posts in one as I didn't post yesterday.

I ran at 6:30 last night. An easy 12 miles. It was a bit warm but I felt ok.

I woke on time and ready to go this am. I got a good cup of coffee and was ready rock and roll. The weather was terrible. 73 and 76 humidity with winds of 20-30 and higher gusts. I can't do the workout sat or sun because Carrie is working so this was the only day to get it done.

Workout 8 miles and then switch into flats for the 10.67 mile trek to Pine Island on the douglas trail. Last year I did this workout in just under 57 minutes. Pretty good for the weather. About 45 with very strong winds from the west. The conditions didn't match and I also did this workout 16 days from the marathon. I am now over 40 days left.

Needless to say things didn't go well. I started off at a decent pace but I was sweating so much that I knew I would run low late. I lasted all of about 5-6 miles at low 5:20s and then just ran it in. total miles for the day 21.

In hindsight I should have planned this differently. Talking with Carrie this am. I really have to look at the bigger picture here. I am 43 days out and have a chance to do this workout again. The weather looks as though it is going to cool off again. I also have 3 rest days planned and will look over the training. I am worried about the hills so I may add some more of those workouts.

This will be my last post until monday. A few rest days should do wonders.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Waking up late, press conference?, eating

As the title states this is how my day went. I was planning on getting going at 6am in order to have everything ready to rock by 9 so we could make it to the cities by 10:30. My alarm didn't wake me and I woke in a panic at 6:30. In a panic because I really only had the early am to run today. Carrie is staying in the cities all day today and tomorrow for school. I quick got things ready and was out the door in 7 minutes. 6:37. I started my first of three x 3miles just after 7. So I was sleeping through the first one which was covered in just over 16 minutes. It was way too hard. It shouldn't be that tough. Number to was covered in just under 16 so things were getting better. Still didn't feel as though it was easy. No solid even pace. I contemplated not doing the third. Reason 1. I have a very tough workout Friday. Reason 2 I really needed to get home. I decided to do it anyway. 15:54. I did a nice cool down and headed for home. When I got home I had a bottle of endurox and a few mini bagels. I also ate a banana. We rushed to get Elliot to preschool and rushed to the state capital.

We pulled up to the finish area for the press conference. Not what I expected. Very small and 3 people were there. Carrie, Rowan, and I lingered around waiting for someone to show. As 11 approached the crew showed one by one. Lundstrom, Fellows, Carlson, and a late arriving Zac Schendel. It was very uneventful as no one really asked anyone a question and we sort of hung around and talked what else....running. It was worth the trip as I got to meet some cool people and trade some good running stories. Most of the talk was about the course. And the hills.

I hadn't eaten since the bagel,banana in the am. By now it was approaching 12 and we were a ways from where we needed to go to drop of Carrie. To make a long story short we ended up eating at 1. I cannot explain the feeling in my legs prior to devouring the applebees food. It was almost like they were starving. This is something I need to work on. I did the same thing after the workout on monday and that is I think why I didn't feel great this am in the workout. I have a big one friday so that should be interesting.

I lumped this week all together to get a good tired feeling in me for Friday. I will have a good idea of where I am with the workout friday.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Today I ran an easy recovery run of 12 miles. In the past this would have been a very easy run with the last 4-5 miles a tough thing to get through. Although it has gotten warmer and more humid I am feeling on top or near the best I have felt in a long time. Looking forward to tomorrows workout of 3 x 3 miles with 3 min rest. Looking to do it in 5:20 pace. However my mind has wandered to other possibilities. Faster ones.

For the last 6-8 weeks I have inwardly pondered how it would feel to stop running after this season. No stopping isn't really the accurate term. I will never completely stop. I guess not running competitively anymore. I am leaning towards that decision as things have been rough scheduling wise. I look forward to the days when my run isn't the only thing I worry about. I look forward to sleeping a bit more and painting the inside of my garage. I have put every ounce I have into making the trials, what is there left to accomplish? These are things that roll in and out of my head on a daily basis. One thing I do want to do is finish Boston. That is for sure. Not sure if that will ever happen. More on this later. As I have so many other things to hash out.

Monday, September 17, 2007

2 x 4 mile hills.

Today was the first of three pretty intense workouts. I am looking forward to each one for different reasons. It was a bit warmer this am so I cut my warm up down to an easy 3 miles in order to get a few strides in with my new flats. The now older adidas yellow flats that I got from Kurt D. I really like these flats so that added to the enjoyment. I haven't done this workout yet so I wasn't sure how the hills would beat me up. I laid out a route near my house for a square with each side equalling a mile. The wind was really blowing today so I decided to switch directions on the second session.

Repeat 1
The first mile was flat for 1200 and then straight up for the last 400. 5:35 and feeling ok. The next mile is almost entirely downhill. There are a few bumps but nothing major. 5:12. Mile three is half gravel and for this one back into the wind. 5: upper 30s. The last mile has a significant hill with a long gradual downhill to finish up. 21:45. Very happy with that. This is a very tough route. I was hoping to run faster the second repeat.

Repeat 2
I chose to do this workout for the major uphills and the up and down parts it simulates. I hope the hills in Central Park are not this big.
I started this one with going backwards. 5:12 up the long gradual hill. 5:25 for the second mile, but I have the worst two left. Long gradual uphill followed by a long downhill into the very strong winds. I finished in 21:52. Not a bad workout. Looking for improvement in the weather next time. I have 3 of these to do. That will be a tough workout.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


I have been working like a dog for the last 8 days. A few more to go. I have a little time to catch up. Friday I ran hills in downtown roch. I got a total of 10 hills in with a 5:30 effort on the flats. Saturday was an easy 13 and sunday an easy 10 as I had a 16 hour shift scheduled. Overall things are going well. Looking forward to the workout Monday and the rest of the week. This will be a very tough week. I guess I will see what I am made of.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

14 windy miles

I did 14 windy miles today. I felt ok and feel that I did recover from yesterday. Looking to get a workout in Friday. 70 minutes of hills. Should be good.

No real tough workouts this week. Things were messed with because the race was sunday. With recovery and such I decided to skip a workout and get the long run in wednesday as I am putting in close to 70 hours this week. The weekend will be a busy one. May or may not post.

On a side note there is a good Thread on about "B" marathon qualifiers and how we are being treated at the trials. Examples no water bottles, no assistance. I agree with the majority that we should atleast get a table for bottles. How many are there? Not too many. Also many of the A qualifiers wouldn't have to pay for anything anyway. Do you think Asics is going to make Ryan Hall pay his way to the race as well as lodging and transportation?

Another reason I have a hard time writing a check out every year to USATF. Masback should get his shit together.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


What a great day to run long. I was hoping to get a few of these to really judge my fitness over 20 miles. It was perfect today. I ran a very hilly route today to get in just shy of 22 miles in 2:20. I felt great the whole run. One of the better long runs I can remember. It was just cold enough to not zap me. Another step in the right direction.

On a side note. I was contacted by the media director from the twin cities marathon to participate in a press conference next week. I asked the women why she wanted me. The others are Donnie Fellows, Chris Lundstrom and Andrew Carlson. All a bunch faster than me. She said I would have some insight they may not. Stay tuned on that one. To be honest I don't really think I should be there.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Today I ran easy. I figured I should let things settle from the effort on sunday. I was less sore than I expected. I took it very easy as it was windy and I have a long run Wednesday am. This is another long work week without a day off. I also have 16 hours sunday so that cuts into my running options. 14 miles.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Rain days and Mondays

Carpenters. I was pretty pumped to run in the cold and rain today. Understanding that I have a lot of work to do and not a day off for almost two weeks I was on top of the mental game today. I was not as sore as I should have been good sign number one. I was not as satisfied as I thought I would, sign number 2. I am ready to PR this nov. I honestly think things are setting up to really crank the second half of that race and catch a bunch of people. The rest of this week will be a bit down but things really get cranking next week with three tough workouts and that will continue until the week before trial week. I will stay with the 10 taper and keeping the intensity up but dropping the mileage down. 12 miles for the day.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

City of Lakes 25k

Today was the big race or so it should have been. I woke feeling like any other day. Normally I have a very energetic feeling running through my legs and am looking forward to the race. Today was nothing like that at all. The rain outside may have been the reason. No not really I checked the weather and it was not raining in Minneapolis.

As I warmed up with Kurt I thought about how the race would go. I had an inner confidence which I usually do on longer races. They suit me well. There was a good field. Donavan Fellows, Chris Lundstrom, Jeremy Polson, Patrick Russell, Eric Pierce. This didn't concern me as I had a few goals. Number one was run at least marathon qualifier pace. Number 2 was be competitive. Number three progress.

As the gun went off I realized a few things. Nobody really wanted to run into the wind. Nobody was too anxious to set a fast pace. The pack of the 5 above and teammate Jeremy Essler went through the first mile in 5:27. The second mile shed Russell, Pierce and Essler as we picked it up a bit 5:20 ish. Mile 3 was back into the wind and by now Fellows and Lundstrom had gapped us. I was content on maintaining this pace as we were running 5:20, 5:16, 5:19, 5:15, and 5:22. By the time we got around to the west side of the lake Polson had 10 seconds on me. He would widen the gap on me until I started to push the second lap.

Once I decided to go after him I really dropped my pace. A few 5:16s did the trick and I caught him on a hill. This is the same sort of move I had last year but the miles were a touch faster. I caught Polson on one of the last hills. As I caught him he did the old turn your head and take off trick. I had no answer and settled on running it in the last mile or so.

I acheived all of my goals and still have 8 weeks of training to keep getting better. Overall a good race and I can only be happy with the way things turned out.

On side note I think we won the team battle and finished up the season on a good note.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Pre race

Today I ran an easy 8. Felt way out of rythym. Was hoping to get through and feel rested for the race tomorrow. I was out for 55 minutes and got nothing positive about the run. On the good side it was very cool and nice. Looking for the same Sunday.

Friday, September 7, 2007

2 runs

Today I got out for two runs as Elliot wanted to get out of the house for a while. The first run was around 10 miles very easy. The weather was nice. Well it was windy but I could breath so that is all good.

The second run was a fartlek. Unplanned. I pushed Elliot in the jogging stroller. He is way too big and the tires are a bit flat. He also likes to pick up sticks and shoot other exercisers on the trail. It actually was a nice run. We had a great day hanging out and I got my first nap in a long time. Preparing for the race sunday.

Thursday, September 6, 2007


Today I did 200s. Nothing fancy 8 x 200 with 200 easy jog. I do this a few times a year to get a little speed. I think I have one more planned and then that is it. Strides are sufficient to do the job. Job? I think I am doing them for turnover, form and aerobic capacity? I did 8 of them in 32-34. Nothing great but I am coming off a good workout tuesday and things are progressing. Onward I march. Sunday will be the real test. Weather is going to be good. Good field. Looking forward to a good race.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Today I ran very easy. It was way humid. I went an easy 11 and then pushed Rowan in the stroller with Carrie for a few extras. I felt good to have some bonding time with the two of them. I felt as though I was recovered from the previous days work. 200s tomorrow and then downtime until the race sunday. I have done a good job this time around with focus leading up to this race. Hoping conditions are good and we get a fast race.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

2 steps forward

Today was a 2 mile workout. Actually 3 x 2 miles with 3 min rest. I was hoping for 10:30 10:20 10:10, but in my mind I was sure I wanted more. I have not really been able to judge where I am fitness wise so this would tell me a bunch more. I warmed up short as it was a bit warm at 8:30 am here. 3 miles with a few strides. I really didn't feel great. #1 first mile back up the hill with the wind was a very easy feeling 5:07. The second mile goes up a long very gradual rise that I took at a very relaxed pace. 10:17. #2. I did this repeat back down the gradual hill against the wind which was picking up as I went. The first mile was 04 and I felt very in control. I almost thought I should back off which I did. 10:04. Now I was contemplating on running all the way back up the gradual hill or doing an out and turn around a cone type of thing. I decided on the later and was a bit pissed as I ran 03 for the first mile. I figured I could come back fast but not enough to go under 10. 4:59 for a total of 10:02. A very good step in the right direction. Makes me feel better about the race sunday. Looking forward to running in weather that isn't so hot and humid.

I am hoping in about 4 weeks or just after tcm that I can do this workout again at sub 10 for all three. Much to get to prior to that. Some more pace workouts as well as some faster 1000s with active recovery. Oh yeah and 15.5 miles this weekend. Looking forward to it.

Monday, September 3, 2007


Today was going to be an easy 12 as I have a workout scheduled for tuesday am. I felt ok for the first few miles but it was very humid and cool so I decided to really take it easy. Days like today make it difficult to get anything done. I was dripping wet and I only ran 12 miles easy.

I just need to keep plugging away. Judge my workouts more by effort and less by the watch and keep going. I know in the back of my mind that things will get better. Looking forward to the cold weather at this point. This has been a very difficult buildup.

Saturday night I batended at my second job in Mantorville. A woman approached the bar and asked if I was going to the olympics. Olympics? I have been asked this by way too many people over the past 10 months. It is funny to hear someone so far out of the loop say something like that and then argue with you about something they have absolutely no knowledge of. It has been very draining to explain that I will have no shot of making the top three at the trials and that just qualifing is really what I was looking for. Once again this is very draining and I can't wait for it to stop.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

US 5k

Today prior to my run as my wife was sleeping, I was able to watch the last day of the world champs. I held off on looking up the results in order to really enjoy the surprise of the events. Wow was I on my feet with the goose bumps on the last 200 of the mens 5k. Great stuff. Just wish Teg could have had another few meters. He could have had a bronze to go with Lagats gold.

Felt better today. I had 10 strides on the schedule so I did those and also carried a water bottle. It once again was a bit warm so I thought I could use the extra fluids. I did the strides at a moderately quick pace as my legs are still a bit "tight" from the workout Friday. Does that mean I am doing something? Hope to see results tuesday as it is really my first big workout with 3 x 2 miles with 3 min rest. I will have had three easy days leading up to it so I am hoping to be fresh and feeling to bust one. My focus now turns to city of lakes a week from today. I have a easier week at home and school starts so the stress level should be better for this week.

Saturday, September 1, 2007


Today was an easy 12 that felt like a tough 12. I have been seriously stressed the last few weeks with lifes up and downs. It makes running on days like today tough. I got through the run and analyzed it this way. The workout friday eve was tough. Not only on my body as far as being tired but also on my quads. All of the downhill running tore me up a bit more than normal. I was pretty dehydrated as well. I left for the run at about 2:30 so it was warm. Oh well have to take the good with the bad and move on. Looking forward to the next week and the change in phases as my training will tell me where I am fitness wise.

Friday, August 31, 2007

2 runs

I was up at 4:30 today. I had a long day as I worked at 6:40. I got 4 in prior to working. I did 60 minutes of hills after work. That was about 7 hills. Very good workout. Effort was good. Things are slowly coming around. Looking forward to the workouts this week as I have two mile repeats for tues and a big race sunday. Hoping all can come together. Almost 9 weeks left. I need to start getting some consistant workouts in.


I went early today. It was pretty cold. Low 50s. Nice. I ran very easy. Nothing else to report. Bigger day tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Long run

Today I doubled back from the workout yesterday to get in a long run. I met Ron and Jason at about 6am as Ron was doing MP pace. I felt good early but the middle was rough. I ended on a huge hill and the last 4-5 miles were 615 ish. I stepped on a rock with a few minutes to go. Really rolling my ankle. It seems to be much better now 11am.

My thoughts about my current fitness are dominated by 1 it's still really early 2 the weather hasn't been good for a nice long stretch. 3. I have stretched a 13 week peak into 15 weeks. So I guess that is the same as number 1. It is funny because I almost fret about this. I have gone from being worried about it to coaching myself to be patient and back again 1000 times. The mileage is the only change I am willing to make at this point. Dropping down a 5-10 mile run a week will hopefully get my body back and then get my head to follow. Press on. Press on.

One thing I really learned from last fall is patience. I just need to believe that it will come back. progression is happening.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Today I did 4 x 1 mile with short rest. I decided to keep the warm up short as it was warm and I was rushed for time. 3 miles easy with a few strides and I was off. 5:04. Felt very easy. Like I remember these workouts feeling before. Mile 2 uphill and I really lost focus. Resting on the fact that the first one was so easy I fully took advantage and was way slow. Mile 3 was back up the hill a bit and then downhill into the wind. 5:11. Not bad about where I wanted. Last mile. 5 flat. Felt easy again. Things are getting better. I really need to keep my head in it becuase I sense with the weather change things are really going to progress. I need to keep plugging away at the workouts and once the weather changes and the humidity goes down. I will really be ready to rock. 13.5 miles.

Monday, August 27, 2007

early wake up

Carrie had to work this am so I was up before 5 in order to get home before 6:30 so she could get to work on time. A brutal week ahead for me as I work 50+ hours and I fitting runs in will be very difficult.

Despite the early wake up I felt fine. I was able to get in a nap and that was huge. 12 miles in today with a workout on the table for Tuesday. 4-5 x 1 mile at 5:10 with a minute rest. See how it goes.

Sunday, August 26, 2007


Today was an easy day. Very little soreness. Except for my feet. I will never race in the greens again. They feel ok when running but that is about it. They have really beat up my feet. I ran 12 today to get a total of 101 for the week. I will attempt to keep my miles there for the next couple of weeks. I need to get in good workouts and focus on my easy days being shorter easier days.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Rochester Half Marathon

Today was the Rochester Half marathon. Formerly the Holiday Inn half. I was set to run a decent race but nothing earth shattering. I had planned on starting off at an easy pace and letting things develop easily over the last few miles finishing hard but with an overall good effort. The weather was decent low 60s at the start with the humidity at 87 percent. My main focus was an easy early pace. I saw that Kelly Mortenson was there and that he has run fast in the past at this race. I knew he was in decent shape but nothing that I shouldn't be able to cover. Below are the reasons I can think things didn't go well.

1. Not sure if this is the number one reason or just 1a. Rest. I started the week off with 15 miles then 17 miles then 14 miles then a workout. I was coming off a week of very little rest. Last Saturday was my ten mile tempo, which went well. But since then I have not really had an easy day to let everything heal up.
2. The weather. I know what people are saying low 60s. Yeah I know, however. I think in the last 5 years this had to be the worst result from this race. I know that the field wasn't one of the best but some of these guys can run faster.
3. A real lack of getting up for the race. I don't feel like I was very prepared for this one mentally. I do feel a fire a will to want to run fast but it wasn't there today. I clicked off very consistent miles but nothing spectacular.

In the end this felt just like Fetzer 20k back in april. Almost exaclty the same. In fact my splits tell the whole truth

5:22/11/15/22/23/23/23/24/23/25/26/33/6:06. Very consistent after 3miles.

I mulled over a whole bunch of changes as a result of this performance. The only one that I am going to make is lowering my mileage a bit. Keeping it at 100-105 and not worrying about how much I get in after a workout. I am going to keep the rest days to a minimum.

Back to the grind as they say. I have put it behind me and am moving on. Nothing I can change now.

Friday, August 24, 2007

pre race

I ran very easy today for 8 miles. Felt ok as it was a bit humid. Hoping the weather is better for the race sat. Looking to get in a good effort and see where I am shape wise. Last year I went out aggressively and paid. 10930. This year I am going to go out a bit easier in hopes of closing faster, we will see.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

fast 200s

Today was very humid once again. I had 8 x 200 with an easy 200 jog. I did a longer warmup about 7 miles as I am noticing a pattern of feeling much better as the mileage builds. Once I switched into my flats I was really sweating. I am not to jacked about this weather. Hoping things are fine for saturday.

The first few 200s felt ok. 33s. I followed that with a 29 which had to be wrong. Maybe a slip of the watch or something. I closed with a 32 with a real routine workout. I felt fast but not as fast as I have in the past. Patience. I can't wait to get racing and get the workouts going again. 13 miles for the day. Hoping to get in a nice 105-110 this week.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Today was an easy 14miler. I ran some prior to taking Keaton to swimming and then some after. It was pretty humid out so I ran easy. Felt ok for the most part. I will do some quick 200s tomorrow and then rest friday before the race.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Missing Payne?

I had planned on running with to friends fairly early this am and then doing a short workout. Carrie was very nice and came home early from another night shift so I was able to meet Ron and Nick for a run. Little did I know that Nick was running a faster pace than Ron wanted to so they ended up splitting off. So I ran with Ron for 35+ minutes and then finished up at 55 minutes. I took keaton to swimming and did another 3 miles to get going again. I then did 3 x 3-2-1 at 5:40/5:20/5:00 pace with no rest as the rest was to be the next interval. I did 2 1/2 of the workout and ran into another friend Greg so I decided enough was enough and finished up with him for 17miles. The workout was going well so I was at peace with ending before the last 3 min. Good day.

Monday, August 20, 2007

another 15

Today I did a 15 mile run from downtown. It was ok. Nothing really to report. Just attempting to recover from the weekend and keep the miles up the first three days of this week in preparation for the weekend race. Looking forward to the test to really see where I am. Weather was ok. A mist and a bit of rain on and off.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

3 strikes

I attempted to post this two other times. This will be it. I got in 15 today to make 108 for the week. Looking forward to a real test such as a race or other workout in good or close to good weather.

I felt terrible for the first 30 min and then all of the sudden things clicked. So much so that when it started to rain I didn't give a rip. These are the days that help to keep me going. I may never be able to give this up if I keep having runs like today.

Saturday, August 18, 2007


It rained all day. I woke at 6 for my usually prerace stuff. Shower, eat, coffee, wait. However, after I got out of the shower it had already started to rain. I had planned on going down and getting a decent warm up in before the race. After sitting in my car for a while I decided to forego the first part (race) and attempt to salvage the second portion of the day. I went to the mayo health club where my buddy Nick had already started his workout. I got on the mill for 9 miles at 6:30-6:25 pace. I started the 10 mile portion easy with a few at 6 then 5:50 and then down into the upper 5:30s. Overall it was a good workout. My last mile was 5:03. I was assuming the mill went faster than 5 min pace so I was ready to crank it down and see just how much I had left in the tank. Much to my suprise it only went to 5 or 12 mph. So all in all a pretty good day. I failed to do much of a cool down which I will attempt to explain in tomorrows blog.

Friday, August 17, 2007

easy 10

Today I ran an easy 10 miles. First easy day in a bit. I was hoping to rest up for the race/workout for tomorrow. Nothing else to say. All is in order for the am.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

2 runs

Today was just one of those days. I finally had two days off in a row so sleep is catching up. This am I did a 6 miler. I thought the weather was going to come around but I was sweating like a pig after this one. This afternoons run was about 11 miles with 6 sharp uphills. I do these for a number of reasons. Since I cannot do any sort of core work (2 hernias) I like to do these to work on form. I concentrate on the things my dad taught me a long time ago. Lean into the hill, arms up and straight and knees up. These are great for form ect. I do them at a controlled effort which I would say is close to 75 percent.

Looking forward to this weekend with hope and fear. First of all the hope. I have not run a 5k in a long time. Speed I do not have. That leads me to the fear. So basically I hope that the fear is nothing at all.

17 miles for the day. Heading for 105+ I hope.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


I was able to get some extra sleep this am. That always helps. I have been averaging about 5.5 to 6. I got close to 7 last night. I also got in a nap and a few hours of relaxation this afternoon. We rented a few movies and hung out which was really nice. I got in 7 on the treadmill at the healthy living center. Felt ok after I got used to the mill. I also got in another 11 out in the humidity. Not a bad day. This is a high week so I am sure I will be stretching just to top 105. My work schedule isn't conducive to getting everything in. Tomorrow the weather changes. Looking for a good few days.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Today was another workout. I ran downtown using the markings from the poles. The weather was ok 70 degrees but 80 percent humidity. Sticky again wed and then it cools. I wore my green flats from the boys at adidas. The workout was laid out as a strength building workout. 2 x 3 miles at 5:40 pace with 2 miles to follow fast. All rest was to be three minutes. First effort was even 16:28. I kept telling myself to slow down but I came through a bit fast. Second interval started and I felt a weird sensation in my shoe. The liner had slid up and was coming up towards my heal. 16:40 feeling very easy. My rest was compromised by my shoe. Next mile was a 5:03 felt very fast. I was really pushing. Not good. Second mile was 5:06 and I ran it relaxed. That is the lesson for the day. I need to be patient with a workout like this. I know I have a lot of improvement to make. I just need to get better at the mental aspect here. 16 miles in for the day. I no have three days of high mileage planned with a different workout for sat. I will be racing a 5k then do ten miles at 6 min pace. Should be fun to really hammer some good fast miles and see what I can do. The real test will come the following weekend for the half marathon.

Monday, August 13, 2007


I am so tired of the weather. Today was an easy 12 as Carrie worked again last night so I had to keep it short. Tomorrow I can crank out a good long workout with all the time in the world, well sort of. Not much else to say other than the legs should come around. I have now had 3 days of easy running since friday. The workout is 2 x 3 miles at 5:40 pace and then 2 x 1 mile all with 3 min rest. Hoping to get the miles down and gain some confidence that things are slowly moving in the correct direction.

Sunday, August 12, 2007


Today was an easy 12 with 10 strides. I need to keep these strides rolling throughout the next 11 weeks. The trials are 12 weeks from yesterday, so a long ways off. I am feeling ok through the first 3 weeks of workouts. I would say things could have gone much better. The weather has had a huge affect on my training. Looking forward to better weather which I am sure will produce better workouts which I am sure will produce better races in the future. Looking back on last years build up to the chicago marathon has me wondering when I will start feeling that feeling. By feeling I am refering to that feeling that things are going really well. It was basically in my 5th week that things started to roll better and just got progressively better throughout the rest until the peak race.

I am super motivated by the results this am from the 15k team race. We got beat by a solid run n fun team. We got beat with most likely our best or close to our best guys. Nothing wrong with that. I am looking forward to the next team race in early september. Even though we cannot beat them it would be nice to win this last race. The distance will even things out and that should make for some interesting results.

Saturday, August 11, 2007


An easy 11 as Carrie worked last night and into this am. Felt ok. Weather was ok. Temp was fine but the humidity was high. When is this going to end?

Friday, August 10, 2007

Long run

Wow what a difference hydration makes. I had to come back today and do my weekly 20 as Carrie is working all weekend. I carried a gatorade water mix for 55 minutes this am. Was that the difference as I felt strong despite the dew point. I made an effort to hydrate yesterday last night and this am. I did a hilly route and things went well. Press on. 20 for the day. Now I get three easy days.

Thursday, August 9, 2007


Today the plan was 6 x 1k with 3 minutes rest. Virtually the same workout as last week with a little faster results. One problem. The weather was terrible again. During my warmup I decided to cut back to 800s and do 8 of them with 2 min rest. The trail was still covered with water from the humidity. The workout didn't go well as I had trouble running under 2:30. Here are the splits as I need to post them for my benefit later. 29/28/29/27/31/36/39 ouch/35 followed by a 200 in 33 as I was a bit pissed. I am not going to rest my whole season on a workout like this. The weather really needs to break as I need to get these down to the low 20s.

I did 4 this afternoon to get a total mileage of 18 for the day. Press on and hope things change.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

2 runs

Today I got two runs in. 14 miles total of easy recovery running. Very hot and humid today. Nothing else to report. I felt ok both runs. Just trying to get through this very hot and humid weather. Hoping it breaks soon. I need to get some quality in.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


As I emerged from the wreckage today I thought what the F. Really 75 percent humidity. Brutal. I have gotten better in dealing with this but not much. I am allready tired of running in this weather and I have 12 1/2 weeks left. One good thing is it has to get better.

Today I had 4 miles hard or at marathon pace on a hilly rythym breaking course. I ran 31/34/34/38. Considering the big day sat and the weather, I will take it. Room for improvement. Since this is a down week mileage wise I only got 11 in.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Heat and Humidity

Today was downright brutal. I have been talking about the weather for the past two weeks. I cannot remember a summer like this ever. It is the worst for running. Recovery sucks.

Anyway I got in 14 relatively easy miles today.

Sunday, August 5, 2007


I did finish the week out right. I recovered nicely from the workout yesterday. Enough to get in another 5 last night for a good solid 25 miles for sat. Today I ran easy in some new balance shoes I got from Kurt Decker. They felt good. I ran 11 while my wife biked. It was very nice to have her there to chat.

Good week. I got 109 miles total and two solid workouts. I will develop the speed as I go so tuesdays workout wasn't a total loss. This week I get another crack at the 1000s so we will see. I am still a bunch of weeks away so I have time to get things cranked up. Yesterdays workout was a good reminder of how far I need to go.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

First test

Today was the first real test. And in hind sight shouldn't have been all that hard when looking at the bigger picture. Nick Payne and Jason Minnick joined me for the workout. We started with about 5 miles at an easy pace. The first few miles of the workout were up and down as we struggled to maintain a consistent tempo. This was an out and back 5 miler with a 2 miles up and three downhill out and the opposite back. Jason and I went through the first half like this 5:29/5:44/5:50/5:50/5:41. Not too bad we had hoped for 5:45-6 min pace. The 6th mile felt too fast and it was 5:36. We agreed to slow down until we hit the final downhill two miles. 7-8 were reached easily in 42/37. I was feeling better but not like I wanted to pick it up. 9-10 were faster yet 36 and 32 for a total of ten miles in 56:37. Not a bad start. I really recovered well so I may run another 5 this pm to get a nice day of close to 25 miles. We will see.

Friday, August 3, 2007


Today I ran an easy 12. I was scheduled to do 10 strides. This is an area that I neglect to a fault. I need to make sure I get these in as they are still an important part of my training. I didn't feel great. Usually after a workout like tues/Wed, I really stall out two days and bounce back the following day. I hope that happens for the workout tomorrow. It is sort of a first test to see where I am. Still a lot of improvement.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Rest and Relax

Today I got out for an easy run. My legs were a bit tired from the build up of back to back hard days. It wasn't bad weather wise at 2 pm. I ran easy and got 14 in today. I then watched the news coverage of the terrible accident on I35w. Sad sad day for us in MN.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


After yesterdays terrible workout, I decided to switch things a round a bit and focus on another workout. I usually atleast take an easy day between workouts but I was anxious to get back into it and we had a few scheduling issues we had to address.

Things went well as I ran 3 ups viola and parkwood hills as well as wilshire, teton, and half of northern heights drive. 6 1/2 total hills in 60 minutes. This workout is designed to keep the tempo up on the flats and rest the downs. So basically it can be as tough as you make it. My effort was much better today and I had no lingering affects from the workout yesterday.
15 for the workout
another 6 miles after for a longer day than normal. I have a tempo on Saturday with a few fellas so I will take thurs and fri easy.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

one step forward two steps back

Today I did 6 x 1k with 3 min rest. I have done this workout in the past with positive results. In fact I did this workout about the same time last year and had better results. Today was not my day. the first one was completed 3:13. I went through the first 200 in 36 right on. I was thinking great right on pace. As I finished I was thinking what? Number 2 was a bit better, 3:06. 3:12/3:07/3:08/3:09. I am not feeling great post workout. I have such a long way to go that things will come around. Last year at this time under similar conditions I ran 5-10 seconds faster per repeat.

Monday, July 30, 2007


I got out about 8:00 am today. I ran a very hilly route but I took it easy. I have 1000s on the schedule for tomorrow. Should be interesting as it is supposed to be very hot.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Sunday Sunday

Ran with the fellas Ron and Nick this am. Easy 6:30-7 min pace felt really nice after the 2:20 hours of pounding yesterday. Not much else to say.

Good week at 106 miles with a good workout Wednesday. The weather is supposed to be rough this week so we will see how things go. It is going to be a tougher workout week as well with 1000s a long hill workout and a 10 miler at 5:45-6 min pace on sat.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Took the long way home

I ran with my friend Nick Payne this am. He has a best a shade over 2:40 in the marathon but has yet to really breakthrough. His time is coming. We did 20 together at between 6:15 and 6:40 pace. I felt ok for most of the run only the last few miles were a bit tough. Pretty good for the first long run of this build up.

The Gear fellas ran well this am at the rice street mile. Way to go fellas.
Allen Webb ran 1:43 high in Huesden and Chris Solinski ran 13:12 for 5k. Pretty impressive performances.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Changing shoes

Brutal day today. I thought about stopping home just to change shoes and socks midway through my run. My shoes were soaked through. As I left the weather was 72-88 that is temp/humidity. I planned on 10 strides with a few hills to get things going. I did the strides at a moderate pace after about 6 miles. Things felt ok. After a 10 minute run to the bottom of the hill I should have just turned for home for those shoes. I did the hills (4) at a moderate effort uphill and an easy jog down. Tomorrow is my first 20 in a while. Chow

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Running or Swimming?

Today I felt like swimming. Or was it running. Anywho the weather has been terrible up here in the "icebox". Today I had to break things up a bit. I was looking for a longer easy day. 16 miles very easy as I am still recovering from the workout yesterday. I did an easy 9 in the am. I checked the current conditions prior to leaving for my pm run. Heat index 95. I considered carrying a water bottle but changed my mind last minute. The run went ok. 16 for the day not bad. I still have a little soreness in my calves from the workout on the mill yesterday.

Payne put the pain to me

Sundays run went ok. I ran with a friend Nick Payne. He tends to train much faster than I do so I knew it would be a bit faster than I would have liked. 6:20s and a few 6:15s. I am normally 6:30+ on the easy days. The weather wasn't bad so things went ok on that. This week is supposed to be a bear so that is normal. I start workouts this week.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

1st workout in the basement

Today was terrible weather wise. I always do this workout first when building up for marathons. It is nice to go through the old log books and compare workouts. It is a great test as to where I really am. I did 3 miles warm up outside and then went down to my treadmill. The original plan was 4 x 2 miles with 4-5 rest at 10:40/10:30/10:20/10:10. I was thinking that would be a great 1st effort. I put on brand new flats that I got from the adidas fellas. The first interval seemed long. I no longer have a tv in front of my mill so I have to stare at the numbers clicking of too slowly. 10:39 no bad. Bathroom break as I was holding that one in for the whole ten minutes. 10:30 right on a little tough not too bad though. 10:17 a bit fast but I had already decided to finish with a mile instead of two. My final mile was 5:02 not bad. I was hurting a bit on that one, to be expected. My legs haven't gone that fast in a while. My second run for the day was downright brutal. I needed to speed up the healing process from the morning thrashing. I did 4 in 85 degree weather with a bunch of thick air (humidity). Overall a very good start for me. I am hoping to get this workout outside in the next 8 weeks once to hopefully get all three down under 10. We will see. 14 1/2 weeks to the trials and a lot of work to be done.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Looking to see Webb take down the 25 year old american record. Today was another filler as I did 14 in the heat. Didn't feel terrible as I normally do in this heat. This has been one of the worst summers in a long time to train. Tomorrow is my first workout. 4 x 2 mile cutdowns. Should be interesting.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Rainy days and Mondays

Monday was brutal as things went normal. 10 miles easy was not so easy the humidity was terrible. 78 percent when I left my house. Hope tomorrow brings better weather.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

A bit better

Today's run went much better. I had to scramble to get ready as Carrie worked last night. Things were a bit crazy this am. But I got 14 miles in and felt strong so things are coming around. The weather is going to get brutal the next few days just in time for me to start workouts this week. Should be interesting as I always lead off with a 4 x 2 mile stepdown workout. I may do it tuesday on the mill here in my basement. Might be a bit cooler and less humid down there than out on the trail.

PR ran a great race this morning at the Lumberjack 10 mile. He should be pretty happy with his progression thus far. Looking forward to seeing how Alan Webb does this pm going for the american record in the mile.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Not getting any better

I planned on an 18 miler saturday, but changed my mind and hoped today would be the day. I felt good early but things took a turn for the worse at about 45 minutes. I had trouble maintaining 6:30 pace. Now this was a very hilly route. But things went from bad to worse on the flat portion of the route. All in all I am still building up the miles and earlier this week it was brutal weather wise. I have to look at the bigger picture and realize that I have a long way to go. I am looking forward to seeing results from local and world action this weekend. Should be exciting.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

First post?

I will start this blog with a short explanation as to why I think I am doing this. Does that make any sense?

I have heard that this is a great way to express how things are going in life, running, careers, ect. We will see about that. So if this blog stops you will know why. I didn't find it usefull.

Todays run was downright brutal. After hitting a good week last week of 92 miles with several hilly routes, this week has been downhill and fast. Today was no different. I am working on fluid intake and keeping the pace easy as workouts will begin next week. I am hoping to get 100 miles in this week. We will see how the weather holds. I am looking forward to fall and the weather changes.